Thursday, November 20, 2008

Hope on a Tightrope

I have been reading this book " Hope on a Tightrope." I must say it's very good. The brilliant man that wrote this is a Harvard professor. He graduated from Harvard and Princeton. I find him to be a fascinating and intriguing man, and a lot of wisdom. His name is Cornel West. He talks about a variety of things.. like faith, family, courage, philosophy, and much more. I'll give you a few paragraph that he wrote in the chapter Courage.

It takes courage to interrogate yourself.

It takes courage to look in the mirror and see past your reflection to who you really are when you take off the mask, when you're not performing the same old routines and social roles. It takes courage to ask -- how did I become so well-adjusted to injustice?

It takes courage to cut againt the grain and become nonconformist. It takes courage to wake up and stay awake instead of engaging in complacent slumber. It takes courage to shatter comformity and cowardice. The courage to love truth is one of the preconditions to thinking critically.

Thinking of oneself is based on a particular kind of courage in which you hold truth, wisdom, and honesty in high esteem.

I'm not done with this book yet, but what I have read is inspiring to me.

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

What Have We Been Up To?

I know I haven't been a good blogger lately. I have been so busy lately with kids and work. So what have we been up to the last few months? Where do I begin! Let's see. The dance season has started, and I am working at the dance studio on Monday nights. Rozalynn is in tap and hip-hop this year. Keanul has decided to take dance this year too. He is in jazz and hip-hop. Hence the reason I'm working at the dance studio.

Football season is done with. The freshman team did great this year. They had a 7 and 0 season. Wrestling season had started though. Done with one, but another starts. Keanul has a girlfriend. Her name is Chelsea. She is a very nice girl. Her parents are great people. They went to homecoming toether in October.
Keanul and Chelsea at Rotary Gardens. Doen't he look so grown.
Too bad they can't stay babies.
It's hard to believe I only have a few years left before
he goes off into the world on his own!