Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Safe and Happy New Year's

Well Christmas is done and over with. It seems to come so fast and leaves just as fast. I think the kids got all they wanted for this Christmas and more. Rozalynn got her Bratz dolls and Keanul got his coat that he wanted.

New Year's Eve is tomorrow. I can't believe the year is almost done. Crazy! the years seem to fly bye when you get older. More than likely I will be in bed before mid-night. Rick and I don't go out on New Year's Eve too many drunk drivers for us. It safe just to stay at home. So all you brave partyers please be careful and get a designated driver.

I would also like to say Happy Birthday to a very special Uncle/Brother in law, Mark. I hope that you had a wonderful B-day!

Monday, December 22, 2008

Salvation Army!

Well we have most of are Christmas shopping done. We just have a few gifts for Roz than we are done. Thank you Jesus. The only bad thing about last minute shopping are the last minute shoppers. Where is the Christmas joy? the Christmas spirit? Why are some people so rude, impatient, and unkind. Is this what Christmas is truly about now. No giving, kindness, and joyfulness. What has happen to it all. Have we became a society of greed, and whats in it for me people? I pray that we have not. This is a joyful time of the year for this is when our savior has been born. The true meaning of Christmas, Jesus.

But, I think God answered this question last week for me. Rick and I went to Wal-Mart for wind shield wipers, and as every year the Salvation Army volunteers were out. For that night the youth hockey team were out singing and ringing their bells so proudly. Every time someone put money in the bucket they would hoot and hauler! They were such alively bunch of boys. Dedicating there time to help for such a great cause. You couldn't walk away without laughter or a smile. There is Christmas spirit, kindness, and joyfulness. It's right in front for us. We don't have to look very hard for it. God shows us when we need to see it, and reminds us when we need to remember. Isn't he awesome. Thank you God for the reminder.

Hope everyone has a wonderful Christmas!

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Simple Plans

Well yesterday the kids got there snow day. As I stayed in my pajama until noon. It was nice. We got a lot done. Keanul did the dishes, and Roz and I cleaned and straighten up her room. That was a chore all in it's own. The kids probably wished they had school. lol.

Today I plan to do nothing. Well some running around. I'm going to return the Christmas lights that I got last night. Half of them worked and the other half didn't. Which sucked. I didn't get the Christmas tree done yet. But it's up. So, I'm going in the right direction. Than I'm going out to lunch with my mother and sister to discuss our Christmas plans. Which should be fun. That's all I got going on today. A nice light schedule. Just trying to keep it simple.

Simple is good.

Monday, December 8, 2008

Snow Day!

I think tomorrow might be the first snow day. Keanul is praying that it is. All the after school activities were cancelled tonight. Seeing how it is raining right now. Soon the snow will be coming. Which is not the best driving weather. So I am greatful I don't have to work tomorrow. But that's Wisconsin weather for you.

The family and I went down to Grandmas' house for supper. She made a wonderful roast for supper. For most of you that know Jeani this is a great accomplishment for her. She doesn't cook much. I'm so proud of her. Way to go Mom! Love you. Mom and I watched some old home videos. Which is fun to do. It's almost like finding an old roll of film that you forgot to develop.

Sunday, December 7, 2008

Cold!!! BURRRRR!!!

It is so cold this morning. I think it's about 2 degrees on this peaceful Sunday morning. I'm up early. Got to go to work. When I took Emily out this morning; she didn't want to stay out there long. She did her business and it's time to go back in.
Last night was Rick's work Christmas party. We had a great time. Rick seems to really get along well with his coworkers, but why won't he. He is a very likeable guy. This is are 9th Christmas party with Jones Dairy. Every year seems to be getting better. Maybe it is that I am getting to know the people better. For those that know me; I can be quite a talker. For those that I don't know very well; I can be very shy. I am not good at striking a conversation like my hubby. Rick can strike a conversation with almost anybody. That's one of his great qualities that I love about him.
Well got to go to work now.
Have a great Sunday!

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

The Christmas Season

Lots of snow here. It must be Christmas season. I still haven't put up the Christmas tree yet. I think I will do that this weekend. Rick's work Christmas party is this Saturday. This year we will be going to the Fireside in Ft. Atkinson. The downside to that is I don't think we get to see a show. They have a great theater there. I love seeing plays. But maybe another time.

Keanul's wrestling practices he say are long and hard. They are more of a work out than football practices. Practice starts at 2:45 and end at 6:00. Talk about a work out. Makes me tired just thinking about it.

The bad thing about the winter season is the cold season. Rozalynn is just getting over her cold. Rick started his cold on Sunday, and now Keanul is sick to day. I pray that I don't get it.
Well I hope everyone has a great day!