Friday, May 15, 2009


Rick and I found out last night that we were approved for our home loan! We are very excited.
Next week we will find out if the assessment went okay. So if everything goes according to plan we should be closing on May 29th. Rick and I will be first time home buyers! So that means at of boxes... That part I'm not so excited for.

Last night was great! We are graduates of the First Citizen's Academy. I made it though my speech without fainting, jumbling over my words, or spitting all over the place. Which is good. By the time it was done I was starving. I didn't eat anything because of my nerves. Listening to everyone speeches and stories of the last 8 weeks was great. I would encourage anyone to do this. It truly was an awesome experience. So if they offer it in your community definitely sign up for it. You won't reget it. It's a lot of fun!

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Graduation Night

Well tonight is Rick, Llyle, and I graduation for the Milton Citizens Police Academy!
Tonight we each have to give a speech before receiving whatever that you receive. I am so excited and nerves. So I have had my speech ready for a couple of weeks. I got all of the tweaks out. So here it goes for those of you unable to attend tonight's ceremony.

When my husband first approached me about the Citizen's Academy I must say I wasn't that interested in it. But I am sure glad he talked me into it. It has been a great eye opening experience for me.

I never gave much thought to what a police officer has to go through on a day to day basis. Never thought about the training needed, the different types of people they have to encounter, nor about how much they have to know. To always be one step ahead of the game at all times! To always have the upper hand.

If you were to ask me today was there anything you disliked about this course? I would say No! Nothing! I Loved it! I looked forward to each and every week. To learn something new was fun and exciting!
There is so much that I learned. I don't know where to begin.

The defensive tactics training was great learning experience. We only got a two hour glimpse, but what a work out.

Traffic stop week. I learned a very big lesson this week. How and why a police officer stands and positions themselves the way they do. During this exercise I was shot; luckily it was only a toy nerf gun. I positioned myself wrong on my routine traffic stop. You normally wouldn't think that standing 2 inches closer would make a difference, but when you are a police officer it does. It could mean life or death.

Domestic violence- it truly can be a silent killer. Thank you to the YMCA for all there help, support, and work that they do for the Rock County area.

Driving a police car - What fun! I could not image having to drive in a high speed chase. I could hardly go through some of the course at 20 mph.

Shooting guns - For me this was my first time ever touching, holding, and shooting a gun. Thank you to Lt. Smith and Officer Chesmore for showing me the safeties of this.

My ride along with Officer Spangler. I really enjoyed. Even though the town was quite I got to know one of our finest. I think that Officer Spangler is a great addition to our police force. It's comforting to know that we have someone so passionate about their job and career choice.

To intern Dillion I just want to wish you all the luck in the future. You will make a great police officer.

Thank you to all that put this program together.
Thank you Chief, Lt. Smith, Lt. Conkel, Officer Chesmore, and the rest of the Milton Police Force for all that you do for the Citizens' of Milton.

I am truly honored to have met all of you.
I can't say Thank you enough for this program and this life lesson.

So there it is. I hope you enjoyed. Talk to you all soon.
On another note - no news on the house yet.

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Crazy Week!

Well this weekend is Keanul and Roz dance recital. This week my plate is full between working and working at JPAC. Last night was my only night of rest. As long as I can get though this week it should be all good.

Rick and I sighed up a few weeks ago for the Milton Citizen Police Academy. Llyle is in it as well. It is an 8 week program. Each week we have been learning something new about what it takes to be a police officer. From defensive tactics to driving a police car. It has been great fun, and it's has been such a learning lesson. We only have one more week left. This week we will be visiting the Rock County jail and the 911 center. Next week is a graduation. At graduation we have to write a speech and give it at the graduation. I am not looking forward in speaking in front of a crowd. I have my speech almost done. Just need some fine tuning. I have already read it to Rick and Keanul. Rick was surprised I have a speech made out already. I need to set an example to Keanul. He always does things last minute. I guess Rick is a last minute person too! No surprise yeah! lol. Must be a guy thing.

Rick and I have found a house and have gotten an accepted offer. It is here in Milton not far from our current residents. Now we have to wait for the bank. So much is changing on a day to day base on the bank requirements. We are praying that we can get it. So wish us luck and throw out a few prays. We should hear something hopeful next week sometime.

Well that all I have for now. Hope you all have a great day!