Sunday, July 8, 2007

Losing Weight UGGGGHH!!!

My husband and I have been trying to lose weight. You know that healthier living style! Like so many other American we to are over weight. So about a month ago we started walking. Well my husband been more into it than me. I'm a slow learner :) . Rick has now lost 31 pounds in this month time. Way to go Rick!! How proud I am of him. I have lost 1 pound :( . Rick stop eating fast food, (which I have too) he also stopped drinking soda ( I have cut down). I love soda that's my problem! Nothing like a fountain soda. So this month I am going to put myself more into it. Try a little hard to change. It's hard to change your habits. You really have to tell yourself lets get going. Physically not a problem, just mentally it's a challenge. So I have made up my mind. It's time to get serious now! No more playing around!


Anonymous said...

Actually.. did you know that there are some really healthy things on the market that help!
Stopping the soda.. made a big difference for me .. I haven't had a soda in about 4 months.. big difference and feel a lot better to. there is so much sodium in soda. Forget watching the sugar content and look at the sodium content and you will be surprised how much salt is in processed foods. Water retention...
Get modivated for yourself.. you will feel so much better!!
If you don't want to do it you won't...
If you want to do it you will.

Sherrie said...

thanks for the info, anonymous. I am starting to get into the groove of things. Soda is my biggest obstacle right now. I will really start watching the sodium too.
Thanks agian.