Thursday, May 3, 2007

Sometimes I wonder why does some days feel harder than other days? One day your as happy as can be. No worries, not a care in the world, just enjoying life. And other days you're like when is this day going to be over with! I think today is one of those days of when is this day going to be over with. As I am balancing out our check book(fun fun). Not looking so good for this week. Why is it when you have kids it seems as though you never have money? Okay maybe I won't put all the blame on them. Well not today anyways. It's just sometimes you work so hard for your money and for what? It to be gone within a few seconds. Crazy!! I think I need to start simplifying my life. I have been taking baby steps though. I love playing bingo. I would go every Sunday. It was my time, a break from the kids. But financially it was breaking the bank. So I have been clean and sober for almost a month now. But now I have no my time. I need to think of something I can do that is my time. My husband tell me to find a hobby. But what hobby can I do that doesn't cost me any money? that's what I would like to know!

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