Saturday, May 5, 2007

Today I had a great day with my hubby. I love the times we spend with each other. Today we went and did a little shopping, lunch, and dinner. Wonderful, wonderful day. It's been nice and relaxing. Yesterday was a stressful day.
My day started off on the wrong foot. Work sucked. Sometimes I wish I could trade in my co-workers. I work in a small lab with a couple of lazy guys. I don't understand some men. Why do they have to be reminded what there job details after 3 years of service? I don't understand. Some of the job is like laundry if you put it off it just keeps piling up. Because we have the same work day in and day out. So why is it that they need to be reminded to do there jobs? It reminds me of my son when he was in grade school. You know when you had to remind them to pay attention in class, and stop talking, and stop jump, etc....
So then I get home from work and my son gives me his weekly report card. And I almost jumped out of my skin. The only thing I could think of saying is what the @$$! It was the worst one ever. 4 F's, 1 D+ !!! What the heck is that? So as my hubby and I proceed to give the talk of what is going and life bit. We leave to go for supper. Can't find my daughter Roz. After school she wanted to play outside with her friends. No where to be found. Sheer panic sets in after 10 minutes of going to peoples doors and driving around. 20 minutes later we find her in one of the neighbor girls house playing. Of course the last place you think of. So needless to say both my 2 lovely children are grounded this weekend and driving me crazy!!! Joys of motherhood sometimes.

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